Greetings and high-fives all around, TLN'ers!
This is the week a lot of us have been waiting for . . . it's time for RWA 2012!!!
*I'll pause here to allow for squeals of delight and peals of giddy laughter*
The emotions I'm feeling are hard to describe. It's such a wild range of excitement, anxiety, and awe that I'm almost reminded of how I felt right before my wedding. Strange, eh?
I know I'm ready. I've practiced my pitch three ways from Sunday! I've got a smashing wardrobe picked out for the week and not a single pair of yoga pants made my pack-list. (I only hope I don't suffer from withdrawals.)
My new cards came in the mail two weeks ago and they look fabulous! Camera, mini PC, and phone have all been charged and sit waiting to be packed.
Everything is falling into place and yet . . . I'm still experiencing jitters. Maybe it's because I don't know what to expect. Or maybe, I'm nervous to be taking such a huge step in my writer's journey--you know, the whole putting-yourself-out-there feelings of angst.

I'm definitely looking forward to the road trip down there. I'm riding with two of my YRW chaptermates, June and Sheri (Sheri is a GH finalist in Historical!) We've got five hours of driving ahead of us and we're planning on practing our pitches. So exciting!!
One fascinating tidbit, I'm packing my mini-espresso machine. I've become quite attached to the little guy. (In truth, I didn't want to have get up and dressed to wait in line for my caramel macchiato in the morning. lol)
I'll be sure to post some pictures and tasty tidbits of the conference experience for those you staying home this year! So, swing by sometime next week to get all the on-dits of my trip.
What's YOUR favorite conference on-dit? (feel free to change the names to protect the innocent. lol)
Safe and Happy travels to all heading out in the next day or so!! Hope to meet some you!
Good luck, and have fun! I'm working pitches on Friday morning from 8 to noon, so maybe I'll see you. Enjoy yourself, and remember not to take any of it too seriously.
It was great meeting you at the Harlequin pj party, Sarah!
Hi Marian!
It was FABULOUS to meet you! You definitely helped make my pitching experience a fun memory. Thank you for all the wonderful help! ((hugs!))
Heya Rula!
That pj party was too fun! Loved the candy station. Now THAT is my kind of a good time!! lol I enjoyed meeting you. Thanks so much for saying HI! ((hugs!))
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