The delightful SHANA GALEN is hanging out with us today!!
Besides being an incredibly talented writer and totally doted upon by the Cover Gods, Shana is a truly wonderful person. I just love her books and have enjoyed following her career. If you've yet to traipse the life fantastic with one of Shana's books, it's your lucky day . . . WHEN YOU GIVE A DUKE A DIAMOND released this week and is sure to be gracing Keeper Shelves the world over!
By: Shana Galen
of all, I want to thank Sarah for inviting me to blog. We’ve been buddies on
Facebook and Twitter for a while, and I finally got to meet her IRL at a book signing
in Anaheim during the Romance writers of America conference. I’m really excited
to be here today, chatting about my new book When You Give a Duke a Diamond.
know my rule,” Pelham told him.
She shouldn’t have come back; only a fool would return. But she didn’t know how else to stop the shaking. She didn’t know how else to staunch the gnawing hunger inside her. Neither food nor drink could satisfy it.
Only the game.
throat tightened. She had to get out of here. “And what should I call you?” she
asked coolly.
“Lucifer, of course.”
Chapter Four
It took Pelham no more than a second to appraise two of The Three Diamonds, but when his gaze landed on the Diamond in the center, he found he could not dismiss her quite so easily. His heart actually thumped harder when it appeared her gaze met with his. But her ice-blue eyes slid away, and he realized he must have been imagining the connection.

Now she writes full time. She’s happily married to an incredibly supportive man she calls Ultimate Sportsfan, and she has a beautiful little girl she calls Little Galen.
I'd like to thank Shana for visiting with us today!! Here's wishing her tons of success with WHEN YOU GIVE A DUKE A DIAMOND!! If you'd like to know more about Shana Galen, please visit her website: www.shanagalen.com
I went to Nationals equipped with a "must-see" list and Shana was at the tip-top! Meeting her was awesome! Total fan-girl moment for sure. I was lucky to remember my darn name, let alone how to talk coherently! I've got a spot picked out for this one on my wall. Love it!
THANK YOU, TLN'ers for swinging by and joining the party! Remember to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of WYGADAD. I'll announce the winner tomorrow! Good Luck and Happy Reading!~Sarah
Chapter two and chapter five have me thoroughly intrigued. Chapter five made wonder in particular about the virgin status (or not) of the heroine. Historicals used to be the last bastion of the virgin but almost everything I've read lately suggests it is just as rare as in contemporary romance. I hadn't realised the reality was in such variance to the popular conception of my youth.
So nice meeting you via Sarah's blog. I found all your teasers intriguing. It's hard to pick a favorite.
I love the cover of your new book. Congrats on your newest release. Sheri
This looks like one I cannot pass up!
PrincessFiona, I'm so glad I intrigued you with two and five. I love reading historicals and have written my share of virginal heroines. I was very careful in dealing with Juliette's sexuality, and I think my readers will be happy with it. Juliette is not a virgin, but I think if you like virginal heroines, this book will not put you off.
Thanks, Sheri. That was my evil plan!
Aw, thanks, Will!
Thank you, Sarah, for the lovely introduction. I'll be checking in all day (in between the whole parenting thing).
The line about Lucifer in Chapter 3 has definitely got me interested. Love a devilish hero!
Love a spirited heroine, too, so the line about a "well-paid whore" has me very intrigued!
Best of luck with the new book, Shana, I can't wait to read it!
Oh my goodness! Is it the 1st yet? The lines from chapter 5 have me needing more! I love the attitude!
i like :
Chapter One
“You know my rule,” Pelham told him.
“Ah, yes, Pelham’s Cardinal Rule. Never fall in love. It’s complete rubbish.
this quote will defenitely make me want to read this book :)
Hi Shana,
All of the excerpts were great, and have definitely whetted my appetite to read this.
However, the Chapter 4 excerpt made me wonder if he was gazing at me, the "Diamond in the center". :-)
I love the title and cover art.
Thank you for this great opportunity.
dpd333 (at) aol dot com
Chapter five lines are sooo funny -now I want to read what happened next :)
Chapter Three's quote is DEFINITELY sooooooo cool....
However, I love them all and my apptetite for this book is also whetted!
After being introduced to Shana's books by means of B&N nook, I've been hooked and anticipating this next book release.
Each chapter snip-it shows a hit at not only each charter's character, but how the relationship will advance and THAT is what tempts, no lures, me to SG's books.
Ch 1.Man vs. Woman- man sets the rules, woman discards the rule.
Ch 2. Woman can't help but play game as she's addicted to intrigue.
Ch 3. Man changes rules by twisting rules to lure woman, only man doesn't realize the rule is twisting him.
Ch 4. Rule twisting is catching up with man, like a twister you can see in a distance, not realizing it will come up on you fast...better start running for cover!
Ch 5. Rule is on the other foot...Woman vs. Man; Nice!
What can I say, who wouldn't be hooked? Shana's one of the great story tellers of human relationships I've run across in a lone time. I'm so happy to have been introduced to her (figuratively) and her characters.
Eagerly waiting for my nook to advise me my pre-order of WYGDD has arrived.
I have to say that chapters 3 & 5 caught my attention!! Wow! Looks like this is gonna be a great book.
I just love chapter five! lol. I think most men are insufferable asses at one time or another! They just can't help their self.
I like chapter 1 and 2, specially the lines, "She didn’t know how else to staunch the gnawing hunger inside her. Neither food nor drink could satisfy it." Hmmm, intriguing. Congrats to the über nice Shana Galen for the new book release.
Chapter One's Pelham's Cardinal Rule tells me that the male is egotistical, thinking only of himself.
Chapter Twos' "game" makes me very curious about this game.
The Chapter Three quote, "Lucifer" immediately says something sinister about the male.
Chapter Four's ice-blue eyes indicate "hard-to-get."
Chapter Five made me giggle, because the lady is very clever.
Kaye Whitney
I like chapter 5. :) Love a funny and strong woman!
Congratulations on the new release. I thought the last chapter set-down was quite amusing. Talk about putting someone in their place.
Hi Shana! I loved all the excerpts of Chapters 1-5. They each showed a relationship to the sexes that was very intriguing. Both hero and heroine sound very feisty, and I love that in a book.
Wowza! Shana has quite the party going on here! I love it!
The very first Shana Galen book I read was The Making Of A Gentleman. *le sigh* Definitely hooked me to her voice. :)
Thank you to Shana for crafting stories we can't wait to dive into. I sure hope my hubby has a shirt or two set aside, because there will be very little laundry done this weekend. lol I've got some reading to do!! *wink wink*
Cynthia, I don't want to give too much away, but Lucifer isn't the hero. he lives up to his name.
Patricia, August does seem like a long month...3 more days!
Eli, that line pretty much sums up the hero. He is very much about rules.
Diane, you are a diamond of the first water, for sure!
Thanks, host!
Thanks, Felicia. It's so interesting how everyone has different favorites.
joepall, I think you must have been an English teacher. I recognize analysis when I see it. I don't know that I can live up to all of those accolades, but they definitely made my day!
Thanks, Sheryl. 3 and 5 do seem to be the popular ones.
Mary D, men? Insufferable asses? No. That can't be. It's all fiction. Yep. Fiction...
Thanks, Lory Lee. Chapter two was fun to write. You'll be surprised when you read the whole chapter.
Kaye, I'm happiest about the giggle. I always like to keep things lighthearted.
May, I do too. Juliette is very strong! And she has to have a sense of humor to put up with Pelham.
Kim, that was my favorite line of the book!
Cathy, thanks so much. I do think Juliette and Will are well-matched.
Thank you for having me, Sarah! I'll be back after swim lessons!
I thought all of the excerpts were well chosen and leave us readers salivating for more! Shana is a very talented author! Thank you for this opportunity!
I like the quotes from chapter 3 since the hero sounds intriguing.
Thanks for posting the excerpts. Really looking forward to reading this new book.
Thanks, LadyRed. It was definitely hard to choose excerpts.
Thanks, bn100. Chapter three does seem to be one of the favorites.
Thanks, Bonnie. It was a fun blog to write.
Hi Shana!
I was intrigued by all the quotes but the one I identified with after being married for 42 years was
“I would rather be a well-paid whore, sir, than an insufferable ass.” ...... "One is a choice and can be changed,” she continued, raising her voice so it would carry. “Whereas the other is a permanent trait of the personality. Not that you have much of one.”
Ah, if only I had those words to use for the numerous times over the years my husband has reminded me of how clueless a man can be!
Congratulations on the release of Loving Lady Marcia and the wonderful hours of reading (and being able to ignore my husband) that you've given to all your readers!
Jeanne, I think we have all wanted to say that to someone at one time or another. I never think of fun things like that to say in the moment (which might be a good thing).
I was intrigued by the Chapter 5 excerpt. It looks like the heroine is going to put up a fight.
“I would rather be a well-paid whore, sir, than an insufferable ass.”
I am very intrigued by the quote. I want to know what has lead up to the statement and why she has said it.
This sounds like a really good book.
Chapter Five is my favorite as well. Goodness knows I dated a gent or two who suffered from such an affliction--the insufferable part, that is. ;)
I actually like chapter 4 best. I like it when there is immediate attraction/chemistry between the H/H. Makes for some interesting scenes when they try to resist or hide it; & when they do succumb....!!
Love your books Shana! Especially Lord and Lady Spy.
Soav, I do love to write those spunky heroines...
Thanks, Lori. That's got to be my favorite quote!
Oh, Sarah, haven't we all :-)
Thank you, Linda. I pretty much always write instant attraction. So glad you loved LLS!
Sarah, thanks again for hosting me. I really enjoyed it :-)
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