How is your week treating you? Are you recovered from Thanksgiving?
After slaving away for friends and family, it's time to reward all your hard work! We've got the wonderful LILA MUNRO visiting today and she's got a new release that's bound to make even the most dreary day spicy!
Grab a slice of leftover pie (we won't tell) and indulge!
We're cranking up the thermostat, ya'll!
1)If you were a book, what would your blurb be?
By day, Marine Corp wife. By night, erotic romance novelist. Come follow the adventures of Lila Munro as she navigates the world through a writers eyes. She’s bold, she’s adventurous, and she’s notorious for dragging her husband along on her research trips to places no self-respecting housewife would dare go.
Marshfox works in a high profile job where his superiors know his name, and the name of his racy wife. With the odd looks around the office and the questions he gets from his counterparts about his sex life, will he be able to live with his wife’s career choice much longer? As Lila rolls out naughtier and naughtier tales, will she become his downfall as a PR nightmare?
Will she continue her path, or give up her dream to save her hero’s good name?
Well, that was pretty good for off the cuff if I do say so myself…I really could be a book, huh?
2)Using three words, describe your voice.
Honest, real, distinct.
3)If you had the chance to start your writer's journey all over again, is there anything you would do different?
I don’t believe so. True I’ve had a few stumbling points, but I am a firm believer in that all things happen for a reason. Were it not for my first publishing experience, I’d never have met my best friend. Were it not for my first real editor, I’d never have improved my writing. Some people might ask if I’d have started sooner. No. I’ve been writing my entire life, but waiting until my nest was empty was the right thing for me. Not only do I have a wealth of life experience to draw from, I can now devote much more time to honing my skill than I would have with wee tots running around under foot and being demanding. Do I wish that there are certain events along the way that had never happened? Yes. Change them or go back. No. There was something to be learned from every single thing and I’m appreciative of that.
4)Newbie writer to Published Author: How has your writing changed?
It’s become more defined and my voice has become clearer. Apparently I have a voice that people remember. I’ve had a couple of people tell me they’ve read my work blind and knew right off it was me. Technically I’ve come miles. My writing was littered with issues when I first started. Point of view problems, quotation issues, and commas. Oh, how I hate commas. There are still my mortal enemy, but we’re slowly learning to get along and work together for the good of all involved.
5)What's been the biggest challenge you've had to overcome with your writing/career?
Learning to be patient and let things roll off me like water. I’m a very emotional person, and I think that comes across in my writing, so I had to learn early on to take it on the chin, dust off and move on. It takes an extremely thick skin to be in this business, something not everyone has, but you can grow one.
6)What's up next for you? Any news you'd like to dish?
My publishing calendar is full to over-flowing for 2012. I’m at present working on the third and final installment to the Identity series, Assumed Identity. I’ve also have the last installment of the Delaney brothers series coming out spring 2012, A Slower Lower Leap, and we’re working on the last book in the Force Recon series, Force Recon: Rogue Nation. I’ll miss all the series as they contain some very powerful story lines and characters that I adore. However, my next series is brewing, and in fact, I’m about two-thirds through the three installments. It’s called The Sergeants of Echo Company and will take me back to my first love, military romance. These should release late summer/early fall 2012. On the distant horizon, I’ve got another military series planned called Marriages of Convenience. These Marines are talking my ears off, begging me to tell their stories.
Thanks so much, Sarah, for having me over today. It’s been a pleasure!
Lila Munro currently resides on the coast of North Carolina. She’s a military wife and takes much of her inspiration for her heroes from the marines she’s lived around for the past fifteen years. Coining the term realmantica, she strives to produce quality romance in a realistic setting. Her genre of choice is contemporary romance that spans everything from the sensual to BDSM and ménage. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading everything she can get her hands on, trips to the museum and aquarium, taking field research trips, and soaking up the sun on the nearby beaches. Her works include The Executive Officer’s Wife, Bound By Trust, Destiny’s Fire, A Slower Lower Love, A Slower Lower Life, Salvation, Force Recon: Beacon Bayou, Force Recon: Somalia, True Identity and Identity Crisis. She’s a member in good standing of RWA and Passionate Ink. Currently she’s working on sequels to several series to be released throughout 2011-12. Ms. Munro also works as the VP of Business Affairs for Rebel Ink Press. She loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted via her website http://lilamunro.weebly.com or through Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Lila_Munro You can also contact her via email at lilasromance@gmail.com
For more information about Rebel Ink Press please visit their website at www.rebelinkpress.com
BLURB for Three for Keeps:
Published By: Rebel Ink Press LLC
Published: Nov 14, 2011
ISBN # 9781937265397
Word Count: 89,000
Heat Index 5 Flames
Zoey Matthews is in love. She’s been in love since the day she was dropped off by a social worker at yet another foster home on a back country road miles from nowhere, Missouri. At age ten, she met the men of her dreams. Over the course of sixteen years, Dane Cardwell, Jack Devereux and Ryan Wilkins fell in love with her, too. They’ve each told her they love her, they’ve shown her and each man has gone so far as to ask her to marry him. But what they don’t know is Zoey loves them all.
Her game of kiss and not tell all comes crashing down around her the night of her graduation from veterinary school and Zoey runs for the mountains. Of Colorado. Hoping to outrun her obsession with three men and forget them all together, she stays gone for ten years. But the wound has never healed. In fact, it's done nothing but fester. Needing to clear the air, Zoey agrees to spend a few days back home with the boys never imagining it would turn into a week filled with comparison sex as Dane, Jack and Ryan each try to get Zoey to choose between them and their varied tastes.
When she finally tells the truth, a truth only one of them has known all along, Zoey fears the foursome will never be able to make a sharing relationship work. After all, aren't there just too many personalities and desires to sort through? Add in the kink factor and things get really complicated. Zoey’s not convinced the truth has any merit, but there's one thing she knows for sure…this time she's playing for keeps.
Purchase Links: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-threeforkeeps-641736-144.html http://www.amazon.com/Three-for-Keeps-ebook/dp/B0067MIGLU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322255979&sr=8-1 http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/three-for-keeps-lila-munro/1107394394?ean=2940013583955
Wowza! What gal can resist a buffet of beefcakes? Go Zoey! Here's hoping all the gents do their own laundry! :) My thanks to Lila for letting me interview her. Best wishes to her for a ton of sales and a very long, happy writing career! If you'd like to learn more about Lila Munro, please feel free to click on any of the any links listed above.
THANK YOU, TLN'ers!! Hope you're feeling festive and gearing up for the holidays! How many of you have trees and lights up? Isn't this truly the most wonderful season?! I'm loving it! Happy reading and writing, ya'll! See you soon!
Loved the post! Just learned something else about you!
Hey KT! I have layers,lots of them :)Thanks for stopping by! And thanks Sarah for having me over!
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