The beginning of every new year seems like we're all being given a fresh start. A clean slate, if you will, in the game of life and, dare I say, completing those blasted goals we heap upon ourselves.
For many of us, the goals we strive to meet seem simple to the outside world, but to those of us in the trenches . . . it's HARD WORK, MAN!
Of course, I'm talking about writing and in my case, FINISHING THE DARN THING!
Last year was a hazy blur of chaos. New baby, then sick baby, busy school/speech schedules, ear tubes for baby, and just to round off the year: a 10 day hospital stay for me. I knew something wasn't right when I couldn't keep anything down and started turning yellow. Sure enough, I had a 6mm stone blocking my common bile duct and a gall bladder (which I'd had removed in 2010- so it was quite surprising to learn I still had one!) full of a massive conglomeration of stones. Had the procedure to clear the stone blockage, but got pancreatitis (very ouchy!) and had to wait three days to have the remaining surgery, which include removing the GB and cleaning out the sludge and gravely stones plugging the duct to my pancreas. All in all, it was 10 days of poking, prodding, and lovely hospital gowns. I can't complain about the food as I was not allowed to eat or drink for 7 of the 10 days. *sigh* What an experience, to say the least!
So, now I've been home for three weeks and life is good. While I was gone, the baby got weaned and started sleeping through the night. YAY! Up until my venture into the hospital, she was an 11m old who slept and nursed like a 3m old. Very taxing for a busy mom of three kids under the age of 5!
With 2012 laid out before me like a crisp, clean sheet of paper, I'm very excited to start the year off "write". I've got a tentative schedule in mind for completing my household chores and mommy duties, as well as taking time to get back into the swing of visiting my peeps' blogs. Squirreling myself away for a year has left me feeling out of the loop and more disconnected than ever to my fellow writers.
This year RWA Nationals are on my side of the country and I intend to be there- completed MS in hand. I procrastinated and made excuses for myself and had to watch the Golden Heart entry for fall 2011 pass me by. I know I will always regret not pushing myself to get my MS done and entered. Always. But, that was last year.
This is NEXT year. And so, I happily start my adventure with fresh eyes and a razor-sharp sense of determination. I will endeavor to keep a written trail of my progress, because I know I'm not alone in the procrastinator club. If misery loves company, well, so does inspiration.
Thanks to all for visiting my blog and let's work together to achieve our goals! Here's hoping that 2012 is a year full of happiness and productivity!
PS-What goals have YOU set for the new year?
Happy New Year!
It's good to see you back Sarah. Sorry about all the stuff that happened. But it looks like you do have a fresh start, just like we all do. Let's hope we can make 2012 the best writing year yet!
Gosh, I'm sorry for all you've been through! I had a bad experience with gall stones and surgery a few years back, so I know the pain. I'm glad things are turning up for both you and the baby.
Here's to a wonderful, healthy and productive 2012. Happy New Year!
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