It's our LUCKY day, TLN'ers!!!
The fabulous JILL SHAVIS is visiting today as part of her Blog Tour for her new release, LUCKY IN LOVE!
I became a fan of Jill via her 'Man Wars' on face book. A writer friend of mine clued me in on the on-going saga and I wasn't about to be left out! While the hot guys were definitely worth the "LIKE", it was Jill's witty sense of humor that won me over. I'll be making room for her books on my Keeper Shelf!!
Despite the craze of release week, Jill was sweet enough to answer my favorite interview Q's.
1) If you were a book, what would your blurb be?
Warning: Fun, not to be missed, and maybe slightly kinda crazy.
2) Using three words, describe your voice.
Fun, sexy, warm …
3) In your opinion, what are the key elements a romance novel needs to possess in order to survive in today's market?
Strong, evolving characters, conflict, and a happy ever after.
It like to say a big a THANK YOU to Jill Shavis for allowing The Lovestruck Novice to be apart of her LUCKY IN LOVE blog tour. Here's wishing her all the best in sales! If you'd like to learn more about Jill Shavis, please click on over to her website! http://jillshalvis.com/
THANK YOU, TLN'ers! I hope your weekend is good to you! Stay productive! I'll be back next week with the first round of blogs geared toward prepping for my first trip to RWA Nationals! Road trip- Romance Writer Style!
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